We’ve discovered the last few years that we’ve been a frequent travel destination for ducks. Since we have a pool oasis in our backyard, it made sense to me and I used to think it was really cute, but then Tom made a good point about how much they poop everywhere. Since then, I’ve noticed all the poop stains around the pool and we’ve been pretty active about discouraging ducks from vacationing in our home (put up a owl statue, blew up a Shamu sized pool inflatable, throw tennis balls lol).
But last year we had a mama duck lay eggs in our backyard! They were so cute when we first found them swimming in our pool, but then couple hours later we realized the little ones couldn’t get out of the pool. After some research, we realized there was a risk of drowning so we fished them out of the pool and released them in the front yard. This year however, we caught early on that another mama duck had returned and kept a special eye out for her. Tom discovered her nest and we made sure to keep an eye on her nest and scare away any crows and predators. We read that ducks naturally head straight for the water when theyre born so when we saw them leave the nest and making way toward the pool, we filled the pool up to make sure they could get in and out easily. But first, we had to fish them out of the pool to stop them from drowning. These guys are so freakin cute!